Confessions of a Thread Hijacker

I have something to admit.

I’m a hijacker.

Of posts and threads…

On Eraseboards….

With Chalkboards….

I can’t help myself.  As with most things I adore, I am COMPELLED. Compelled to write one liners and quippy rejoinders – I could go on for hours.  I can’t pass a dry erase board and not write something, especially if it’s been written on first. Then it’s like the marker JUMPS into my hand and before I know it – I’m writing something. Snarky.

What’s great is when you find a few people that you click with, in terms of writing style, than you can go back and forth on a thread for a long time. It must drive everyone else crazy. But you don’t have to read it if you don’t want to – that’s kind of the beauty of ‘freedom of choice’. It was easier on everybody when I was just a student passing notes back & forth, but now, everyone is sort of subjected to me and my follies… C’est la vie!

I think what I particularly like about that back & forth type of writing is the interaction; your writing can play off of someone else’s – especially if the back & forth is skewed towards witty/funny.  Other people’s words are a great inspiration for my own.  I would love to figure out how to take that flow of writing and put it into the context of something larger but I don’t know what that would be at this point. I’m pretty sure these back & forth ‘conversations’ are just amusing to the two involved…

But anyway – if I’ve hijacked on one of your posts on WordPress or Facebook, I probably should apologize…I’m sorry but I cannot help myself.  Don’t hate me because I’m compelled. And verbose…and think myself witty…regardless of the truth….

Yes, that in fact is about the   jist of it... Photo Credit:

Yes, that in fact is about the jist of it…
Photo Credit:

About Rutabaga the Mercenary Researcher

I'm a research librarian for Public Television, story teller, bike commuter, baker, music fiend, lover of reading & books, mother, wife, friend - and many more descriptive adjectives and nouns.
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110 Responses to Confessions of a Thread Hijacker

  1. Pallasovkat says:

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  2. Wow!! Did not know there was an actual term for my favorite blog behavior! You are a hijacker after my own heart 🙂 And to think I was the only one who loves and dies for the comments! So glad I have found my people 🙂
    C’mon over to my blog and hijack to your hearts content! There is nothing as scintillating as the effortless yet skillful banter between two ( or more) witty commentors, oh the joy of snappy repartee!

  3. Rohan 7 Things says:

    Yup, I’ve noticed 🙂 It’s actually quite rare on WordPress I find! You are definitely the most prolific commenter I know, you’re like a tube of Pringles, once you pop you can’t stop!

    I like it though; it’s different, it’s fun and who doesn’t like lots of comments on their posts? 🙂

    Hijack away and don’t let anyone cramp your commenting style Denise!


  4. MissFourEyes says:

    Hijack away, Denise! It’s what makes you awesome

  5. klyse3 says:

    And this is when we need individual “like” buttons for the comments on your posts….

  6. calahan says:

    I love the back and forths that sometimes come out of posts. Often, it’s my favorite part. That said, please, hijack away.

  7. Merbear and I just created our own blog of our witty repartee. It . . . entertains us anyway.

  8. El Guapo says:


    Sorry, what were we talking about?

  9. annesquared says:

    Reblogged this on Anne Squared and commented:
    Priceless! Read the comments, also….

  10. This might bother some people, but not me. So keep doing it quite often. I like cake. Rainbows are neat.

  11. stephrogers says:

    Ha! How many times have I helped you do it? Poor TD has had many a reason to wonder who own Stuphblog! I love your hijacking. PS what’s a dry erase board?

  12. Kylie says:

    You know we all live for your comments.

  13. djmatticus says:

    If hijacking is going back and forth with witty (possibly) banter in the comments section, is lowjacking reading all the comments but never saying anything?

  14. To me, there’s no point in blogging if there’s not a conversation. I’m more likely to comment on a blog when the writer responds to comments. Otherwise, it’s just like talking to myself. I probably have a hundred notes that I saved from highschool written by you and me. I don’t know how we managed to graduate!

  15. Carrie Rubin says:

    “But you don’t have to read it if you don’t want to”—Exactly right. I agree–that back and forth banter is what makes this whole thing so much fun. Feel free to hijack away!

  16. erickeys says:

    I get Stockholm Syndrome just thinking of you hijacking my threads.

  17. Twindaddy says:

    I am unfamiliar with this phenomenon.

  18. The Waiting says:

    You can hijack my thread any time. That sounds so dirty ;D

  19. I could use a Thread Hijacker on my blog from time to time.

  20. Denise, you can hijack my comment thread anytime you like, you witty girl you.

  21. Le Clown says:

    I’ve never seen this from you. Ever.
    Le Clown

  22. unfetteredbs says:

    That’s what makes you fun!

  23. Funny you should mention this…

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