A Pill is no Cannoli


If you could get all the nutrition you needed in a day with a pill — no worrying about what to eat, no food preparation — would you do it?

There once was a pill colored red
That gave me my nourishment instead –
But I’d miss all the flavors, all the crunches I savor
Without food, dear, I’d rather be dead.

So, I’d say NO! I love food- preparing it, eating it, sharing it, and shopping for it (please note the Oxford comma and love it).

Here’s what others have said ~

  1. Daily Prompt: Red Pill, Blue Pill | Basically Beyond Basic
  2. Free Your Stomach, and the Rest Will Follow | Do Not Get Sick in the Sink, Please
  3. What’s for dinner – Red pill or Blue Pill | Nanuschka’s Blog
  4. So sad! | Vivir, que no es poco
  5. Things That Pill Could Never Supply You With | Daily Prompt: Red Pill, Blue Pill | likereadingontrains
  6. dining with you, a haiku | charlottesville winter
  7. Pills | Cat’s Chinwag
  8. I’d swallow it. Especially if it just shut my selves up. | thoughtsofrkh
  9. Popping Pills | Hope* the happy hugger
  10. Time to eat! | Penne 4 Your Thoughts
  11. The Pill | Matthew Vett’s Development Blog

About Rutabaga the Mercenary Researcher

I'm a research librarian for Public Television, story teller, bike commuter, baker, music fiend, lover of reading & books, mother, wife, friend - and many more descriptive adjectives and nouns.
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78 Responses to A Pill is no Cannoli

  1. Oh, I could do it!! Do you want to shop and cook for me, Denise? Come on over anytime!

  2. Rohan 7 Things says:

    Some days I totally feel like doing the pill, saves time, and probably money as well. But yeah there’s no way I could do it all the time, food is way too fun, a real pleasure 🙂


  3. I love the serial comma and use it all the time. I once wrote a style guide so that people would know how jobs were supposed to be written and styled, and I gave the following example to show proper use of the serial comma, which I think you’ll appreciate:

    “I went to the store and bought Rice Krispies, Cap’n Crunch, and Lucky Charms.”

    Nobody in my office got it. Peons.

    I could never take a pill instead of food. Pills aren’t cannoli, or pasta, or any other foods that are too delicious to give up.

  4. Pingback: To take a pill or not to take a pill, that is the question | The Rambling Diaries

  5. Pingback: Red Pill, Blue Pill: You’ve Got To Be Kidding! | Khana's Web

  6. LensTHERAPY says:

    I would take the pill. I find eating such a chore. Problem is that I’m a toxicologist so would do too much research the sandwich would take less time 🙂

  7. Pingback: Pill or Proper Meal | TamBorgia's NaNoWriMo

  8. Pingback: Daily Prompt: Red Pill, Blue Pill | life n me!

  9. Pingback: Pills For No Ills | Edward Hotspur

  10. Elyse says:

    No way. Miss cherries and ice cream. No way.

  11. Pingback: Try Nutri-pill! (a commercial script) | The Jittery Goat

  12. iRuniBreathe says:

    Great Oxford comma and lyricism. Swallowing a pill reminds me of Willy Wonka and the Oompa Loompas (though they didn’t eat the food pills, they did deal with Violet Beauregarde after she turned into a blueberry). I prefer mastication and flavour over general subsistence.

  13. Pingback: Daily Prompt: Red Pill, Blue Pill | To Breathe is to Write

  14. klyse3 says:

    Pills are icky to swallow, so definitely not! Also, keep up the oxford comma!

  15. stephrogers says:

    I wholeheartedly agree, food is not just about nourishment. No pill could replace it.
    I am so in love with your oxford comma right now, you have no idea!

  16. La La says:

    No, I enjoy food way too much for that…especially since today is Taco Tuesday.

  17. Penne Cole says:

    Thanks for the pingback. Definitely agree with your stance on this one.

  18. Pingback: Bite Me | Daily Prompt: Red Pill, Blue Pill | mattsden101

  19. MissFourEyes says:

    I LOVE food! What’s life without food?
    And I love the oxford comma. 😉

  20. Pingback: Daily Prompt : Red Pill Blue Pill | writinglikeastoner

  21. TAE says:

    I wouldn’t mind if that pill existed, it would solve a heck of a problem, which is not to say that I don’t like food. This might interest you: https://campaign.soylent.me/soylent-free-your-body

    • I read a post about soylent (it’s people! Hee hee) … I want no sludge shake …

    • I can’t imagine what would happen to our teeth if we didn’t chew anymore…

      • TAE says:

        They’d invent something for that, too… It’s pretty much non-perishable afaik, and there are people starving in some places, so if it works, I’m all for making this goo.

        • One person pointed out that in other countries, where starving is happening too much – there’s not a ready supply of clean fresh water – So there are other problems. And a lot of food is out there – but it’s not being sent to the places needed b/c of politics/government not b/c of a general lack of food (as one of the many complexities).

          I can’t imagine how it would affect cultures around the world if there were only this gunk to eat –

          I remember in an sociology/anthropology class discussing the pros/cons of introducing a new technology on another culture – running water pipes to homes was the example – in an village in a country in Africa – they put in running water and then people noticed that marriages were not occurring and the social fabric of the village had started to crumble because people did all those kinds of things at the water well – so we inflicted our values on another culture without thinking about the ramifications of change.

          Not that it could not be beneficial (the goo) but I think that there is not just a magic solyent bullet that will solve the problem – b/c they are so much deeper than what we see on the surface.

        • TAE says:

          Yeah, I’m personally a fan of long-term solutions, sustainability, and self-sufficiency, too, but that doesn’t mean that this stuff would be great to have for short-term needs, say, in refugee camps or in places where weather often diminishes harvest. Might also be handy for space travel…

        • yes – it has its place but not a replacement – if you know what I mean.

  22. Carrie Rubin says:

    I enjoy eating far too much to skip the process for a pill. And I LOVE the Oxford comma. I refuse to stop using it…

  23. Pingback: There’s a pill for that! | Code For Confession

  24. Pingback: Daily Prompt: Red Pill, Blue Pill – It’s Not Just Nutrition | SERENDIPITY

  25. mairedubhtx says:

    I like food but I have no appetite and eating enough of the right stuff is a chore. That’s why i’d like a pill to ensure i got the right nutrition, but I’d still like a nice steak dinner or a good bowl of pasta.

  26. "HE WHO" says:

    Does the red pill have ketchup in it?

  27. Pingback: Daily Prompt; Red Pill, Blue Pill | terry1954

  28. dmauldin53 says:

    Love the little poem. 🙂

  29. Cathy Ulrich says:

    Me, too, Denise! Food is one of the most satisfying of art forms – both in the making of it and in the appreciation of it. A pill simply wouldn’t do it for me…

  30. Food. It’s about the traditions, flavors, and adventure!

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