Labeling the Crazy Part II

Aversion:  a feeling of repugnance toward something with a desire to avoid or turn from it

I’m convinced that once you’ve divulged to the world – or at least the 50 people that read my last post -that you have a phobia to buttons, it’s not too much of a leap to talk about another aversion. Possibly even more obscure.

Word Aversion – yes, word aversion.  Well, it’s more like a combination of letters together that make me cringe.  Such words are rarely used in my lexicon.  Most people that know me, know I abhor certain kinds of words. Like koumpounophobia, it’s very amusing and makes for fun times around the table.

I hate words that have double ‘OO’s – especially with an “L” near it…or with an “L” and a “Y” ending.  ‘Smelly’,’ Belly’, ‘Jelly’… I feel unsettled even TYPING THEM.  Any Residents fans out there will probably be thinking of a certain song off of “Meet The Residents”.  It’s too bad, I really LIKE The Residents.

However, the worst word for me to hear, write, read or say is…B-O-O-M.  I HATE THAT WORD!!!!! I don’t know why, there’s no rhyme of reason for this dislike. My co-worker has tried to narrow it down to something rules-based, but it can’t be done. I’m not consistent.  Why? Because the word ‘bloom’ is just fine.  This he finds quite annoying – but that’s his crazy, not mine. Consistency is not my forte.

And it’s not onomatopoeia – I like the word ‘squishy’.  I also don’t like the words ‘button’, ‘balloon’, ‘loony’ (but loon is just fine), ‘blooper’, or ‘blooby’…’boob’ is rather annoying as well.  I do have a fondness for palindromes, but not that one.

When I first met Scott and we had the ‘word’ discussion, he was kind enough to compose a song of all the words I hated.  It’s hilarious – if he could have pulled it off, he would have dressed as a clown during the performance.

At work or in social situations, when the topic comes up, inevitably people start yelling out random words at will to see how they affect me. I’m an amusing lunch-time distraction, if nothing else.

My married last name took some getting used to – it’s got some double ‘GG’s and has a “y” sound ending.  Luckily last name usage is out of style.

Scott was delighted when Paul LeKakis (that no talent ass-clown) came out with a song that would send me into fits of hysteria.  I’m not even going to write down the song title – you can look it up (and yes, the word ‘google’ is definitely on the hate-list).

Speaking of that horrible word, ‘google’…Can you imagine how annoying this is to a librarian to have that AWFUL, DISGUSTING, OFFENSIVE word used as it if it is a verb meaning ‘to research’???

I figure if I ever needed to live a life of celibacy, I’d have someone dress up as a buttony clown, holding snakes and balloons trying to seduce me to Paul LeKakis’ dreadful song playing in the background.  That would put me off sex FOREVER.

Anyone else out there with word aversions?

About Rutabaga the Mercenary Researcher

I'm a research librarian for Public Television, story teller, bike commuter, baker, music fiend, lover of reading & books, mother, wife, friend - and many more descriptive adjectives and nouns.
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13 Responses to Labeling the Crazy Part II

  1. Paul says:

    Hmmm, I don’t have any words that i hate, but I must say that occassionally I’ll read a simple word that I’ve seen millions of times – like “but” – and suddenly it becomes very strange and interestong, as if I’d never seen it before. I’ll marvel over it for a bit before moving on. Then it becomes normal again. Definitely strange.

  2. Carrie Rubin says:

    Well, this is a new one for me. You are the first person I’ve ever encountered to have such an aversion. Hmm, could make for a very interesting character in a book. 😉

  3. Reblogged this on The Mercenary Researcher and commented:

    Obviously I’m lacking for content right now – so here’s a blast from the past …2012 to be exact. Enjoy my word-aversion-crazy.

  4. LensTHERAPY says:

    LOL funny -thanks for directing me to this after my comment on aversion to irregardless. Really funny. I think you just dont like the shape of the lips when some of these words are said. Highly unprofessional theory.

  5. Dawn Nunn says:

    Perhaps you could invent a Rutabaga Dog! It is truly a great word, don’t you think?

  6. Dawn Nunn says:

    Oddly enough, I laughed out loud when I read the name of your blog because my 5 year old thinks the word RUTABAGA is the funniest word in the English language. I agree on Linoleum. Hideous word.

  7. Maryann Graziano says:

    Nope, no aversions. But grandma had one: linoleum, hated the word and never could say it correctly……..

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