Validate My Parking – and Tell Me I’m Good

I’m horrified to admit this – I so want to be “Freshly Pressed”.

Which is ironic because I don’t iron anything…ever…so much so that when my son was 7 and he saw an “iron” at my mother’s house; he had to ask what it was.  I think my mom wept.  He came home and told me about Grammy Emmy’s ‘unwrinkler’…oh well, no one is perfect…

But what I mean is that I want recognition from Word Press – to make it to their “Freshly Pressed” page.

I started blogging at the encouragement a couple of my friends- I love to write; I’ve always loved to write. I wrote note-upon-note-upon-note-upon-note. And then I wrote some more. My friend and I would exchange 20 page letters on a regular basis when we were in 7th-9th grade and living in different states. Complete with stupid cartoons; different font sizes, colors, types; pictures and a lot of content.

Then when we reconnected in 1998, in addition to incredibly long emails, we still wrote 20 page letters, and picked up right where we left off.  And the Frankfurter and Knockwurst comic strip was going strong.  It was weird how we just instantly reverted back to 12 year olds.

A little blurry to protect the innocent – and some watermelon

But more to the point – I had convinced myself that this writing was for me. And that I wouldn’t care if anyone read it. I managed to deceive myself for 12 whole days.  However, If I’m completely honest with myself,  I had a twinge of a tiny inkling by post two …I saw the stats page.

I have a weakness for tracking data. Especially data with charts, tables and maps – and counters. It had counters – I like counters.  I want SEE that others read my writing (and even more “wanting” is that I want them to think I’m oh-so-clever). And since I’m slightly insane, I fervently track my HIGHEST VIEWS on day XX/XX/XXX with unmitigated JOY but then worry about maintaining reader interest and crash to the deepest depths.

Part of me wonders if people just “like” a blog to get someone to “like” theirs back, and part of me is offended by that and wonders about the sincerity of it all and part of me secretly doesn’t care as long as they come and rack up the page views.  And the other parts of me just want to know what’s for dinner.

I had the exact same problem when I got an odometer for my bike. I was always very hungry for dinner. No… wait, that’s not it. I obsessed over the stats. I memorized ALL the important stats. And believe me, they were ALL important.  And I like talking about things that I’m obsessed with.  I have exactly 2 friends that share that interest in bike-related data – just two friends, but I didn’t let that stop me from sharing every fascinating detail of my MPH, average weekly whatever and so on and so on…and I’m often a bit prone to the tangent or two for any given recitation of the minutiae.  I’m sure EVERYONE was cheering inside when my odometer broke.

So as you can clearly see, I’m well-honed regarding the data-obsession behaviors.  I hope to keep this one at bay, or at least inside.  (Please note: I’ve checked my stats twice since I began this revealing of the ugliness that hides within my soul).

Like I stated before, I love writing – so why is it so important to have people LIKE what I’m writing?  Why do I crave to have people read what I write? Or at the very least, click on my postings a lot.

Why can’t I just write without a million conflicting questions running around my brain? It’s obvious that I’m ready to sell-out in a New York minute. I’m snausaged with myself.

But I so want to be “Freshly Pressed”.

About Rutabaga the Mercenary Researcher

I'm a research librarian for Public Television, story teller, bike commuter, baker, music fiend, lover of reading & books, mother, wife, friend - and many more descriptive adjectives and nouns.
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41 Responses to Validate My Parking – and Tell Me I’m Good

  1. Kylie says:

    Thanks for bringing my attention to this! So good to know I’m not alone in this. I was just researching interventions for workplace stress and read the need for respect and recognition are a universal human need and we will go to great lengths to get it. The lack thereof is a huge stressor. I think that’s part of what’s playing out here, when we glob.
    I was going to fix that typo, but decided I like it.

    Thanks for being so honest and admitting to something that most bloggers must feel.

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  3. Tourism Oxford says:

    Me too.

  4. lolabees says:

    A few thoughts here… you’ve only been blogging a month, and you already have a day with 100 views AND you have 31 comments on this post?!? That’s pretty awesome. I remember I used to get about 8 hits per day. I think most of us bloggers worry about our stats, and I think we’ll never get enough hits. Funny that we were chatting about this on my dentist post the other day– after a year of blogging, I only ever had 120 hits on my page. Then I wrote that post, and it went viral. I was over the moon to get 2000 hits in 1 day. Then the next day, it got 97,000 hits (I must add, without the help of FP– sometimes they feature crap, and a lot of us get bitter!) 😉 In 3 days I got 300,000 hits to my blog, and then guess what happened? *Crickets chirping* Yep, nothing. It has definitely helped my site views, but then you worry about maintaining that level. Anyway, while it’s exciting, then it’s a letdown just like what dysfunctional literacy says. (Not to say you shouldn’t still long for it.)

    It’s funny because I notice that when I obsess about comments and likes and page views, I’m left “waiting by the phone,” but when I let it go, I get little surprises here and there. I think most of us bloggers think about that though, and I think non-bloggers don’t get it 🙂

    • lolabees – Thank you for the sage words. WOW – 300,000 hits! I would, too, be over the moon – then crash because I have a definite fear or sucess – or at least maintaining success.
      I’ve been fortunate to have a really supportive group of people that read my posts – and of course I read a post from someone that claimed an average of 140 hits/day on average from the get go. It’s probably like hearing about how so-so’s baby was potty trained at 11 months and you’re running around with a potty trying to get your 3 year old to look even remotely interested!
      Just writing about my stats obsession and hearing other people’s stories has made me a little bit less anxious.
      I now totally ‘get it’ 🙂

      • lolabees says:

        I honestly don’t know how people do it. Yes, it’s about content, but I also think it can be a bit of luck at times. Your potty analogy is too true. In fact, I ran a giveaway this week on another blog of mine which is a food blog, and I only got 13 entries! You definitely feel like something’s wrong with you when you giving prizes, and no one sticks around– it’s like buying your friends!

  5. Dawn Nunn says:

    That’ll work…

  6. Dawn Nunn says:

    I’d like to see a whole blog on Frankfurter and Knockwurst please

  7. Gretchen Cole says:

    You’re so right about the stats pages in the gmail blog! I wasn’t sure I’d like the new format until I found the stats pages but now I love it 🙂 I only have 6 followers but I get a lot of pageviews–although nothing like yours. Good on ya–I love your blog!

    • Thank you so much Gretchen! Send me a link to your blog – I’d love to check it out. I’m not familiar with Gmails blog or their stats page. Thank you for the kind words. And thank you for commenting! Look forward to reading your posts

      • Gretchen Cole says:

        It’s The stats pages look like the one you posted, so I guess they’re similar? It’s no great shakes–just a tool I use to keep me honest (and focused) in my quest to get a bit healthier 🙂 I really enjoy your blog!

  8. charliecountryboy says:

    I love the fact that I’m not weird, or we all are? Hmm. I too love stats.

  9. runningonsober says:

    Haha, I came over here to ask if you’d mind me adding you to my “other blogs I love” (non-recovery related), but I have a feeling I know your answer.
    I can understand the obsession with stats- I’m very similar with my running stats and tracking programs. I think my Garmin is possibly my favorite favorite item eva. I call it “My Precious.”
    On a serious note though, I just wrote about something kinda similar with my relationship with Facebook and my extremist thinking. It’s almost a neurosis. I can really appreciate your honesty on this one.
    Oh, but I digress. 😉 May I add you to my blogroll?

  10. theyoungplum says:

    It happens by complete accident. Serious, I thought my latest post was one of my weekest, but wordpress liked it enough to run it as a ‘Freshly Pressed’

    Stay true to your writing. I write because I love to write, and I had not one intention of being A ‘ freshly pressed’ blogger.

    another benefit of being ‘freshly pressed ‘ is being instantly connected with tons of other blogs you would not have really found on your own. And blogging is partially about writing, but also about community, so it’s fun to be able to build a strong support team of other writers and bloggers.

    I dunnno. That’s my theory. Keep writing, and when you don’t expect it, it’ll hapen. You’ll be fine.

  11. theamazingmj says:

    I really understand! I am in love with the stats! Part of me wants to just post things and hope people notice me. I feel like the people that like my posts are doing just so I will like theirs. I can tell you, I am following you because I like your posts and I admire you as a writer. You are still doing really well and I can only see you getting more popular.

  12. Ha ha! I forgot about being the TA – what did she teach? Was it typing English? I’m a note-fiend. I remember so many things – but I have blocked most of Jr high out b/c it was horrible. The only thing I remember is Math, Mr. Dooley’s Science class, Typing English & PE/15 min reading period.

    I force everyone to see my posts in Facebook. And my favorite author, Sharon K Penman has graciously allowed me to post my blog postings on her FB page. it’s very active all of her fans are avid readers.

  13. RCW says:

    I so want to hate you right now…you’re most viewed day you got over a 100 hits! Twenty-five is my max. What am I doing wrong?! Anyway, do you remember when we were in the 8th grade and we would leave notes for each other in Ms. Steffen’s computer class? You were the TA in, like, third period, and I was the TA later in the day. Or vice versa. I can’t remember.

  14. I knew you’d love blogging. Everyone wants to know they’re liked when they show their art. Write for you and it’ll be good.

  15. Lynda says:

    I have read every one of your postings, so I am in the stats. Don’t stop you are doing a fine job.

  16. I haven’t been Freshly Pressed, but I imagine it’s a temporary high that makes every day afterward a letdown (if you’re obsessed with stats).

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